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By: E. Jaroll, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Professor, Indiana Wesleyan University

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In vas deferens End products of metabolic activities in the sperm make the fluid in vas deferens acidic symptoms 89 nissan pickup pcv valve bad cheap arava 10 mg, so that the sperms are nonmotile medicine number lookup buy arava 10mg otc. So medicine ball exercises arava 20 mg overnight delivery, when semen is ejaculated into feminine genital tract at coitus, sperms are nonmotile initially. However, the alkaline prostatic secretion, which is also present in semen neutralizes the acidity in vagina and maintains a pH of 6. Benign enlargement Hyperplasia of glandular structures and connective tissues causes benign (nonmalignant) enlargement of prostate gland. Enlarged prostate gland stretches the urethra and obstructs urine outflow from bladder. Common symptoms are increase in the frequency of urination, problem in urination, dribbling of urine after urination and occasional renal failure. Malignant enlargement Malignant enlargement (most cancers) of prostate gland additionally causes obstruction of urinary passage. In addition, the metastasis (unfold of most cancers from primary website to different places) impacts the other tissues, significantly bones. It is the collection of fluids from testes, seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral glands. Semen is discharged throughout sexual act and the process of discharge of semen is called ejaculation. Secretions from seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands provide mucoid consistency to semen. Seminal plasma accommodates the products from seminal vesicle and prostate gland. It additionally has small amount of secretions from the mucus glands, significantly the bulbourethral glands. Immediately, it coagulates and after some time it becomes liquid once once more (secondary liquefaction). Fibrinogen secreted from the seminal vesicle is transformed right into a weak coagulum by the clotting enzymes secreted from prostate gland. When semen is ejaculated, the sperms are nonmotile because of the viscosity of coagulum. Sperms reach the fallopian tube in about 30 to 60 minutes after sexual activity. Head Head of sperm is oval in shape (in front view), with a length of three to 5 � and width of as much as 3 �. Acrosome additionally accommodates hyaluronidase and proteolytic enzymes, which are important for the sperm to fertilize the ovum. Its anterior finish is shaped by thick disk-shaped anterior finish 472 Section 7 t Reproductive System knob, which is also known as proximal centriole. The body of the sperm consists of a central core known as axial filament, coated by thin cytoplasmic capsule. It passes via the body and a perforated disc known as finish disk or finish ring centriole. In the body, the axial filament is surrounded by a intently wound spiral filament consisting of mitochondria. Chief or main piece: It is enclosed by cytoplasmic capsule and has an axial thread. Oligozoospermia Oligozoospermia is the low sperm depend with less than 20 million of sperms/mL of semen. Teratozoospermia Teratozoospermia is the situation characterised by presence of sperms with irregular morphology. Retrograde ejaculation is the doorway of semen into urinary bladder as an alternative of entering urethra. It is because of dysfunction of sphincter of the bladder, which is caused by prostatic surgical procedure or extra use of drugs. Oligospermia Oligospermia is a genetic disorder characterised by low quantity of semen.